libnabo 1.1.2
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Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, Cloud_T > Struct Template Referenceabstract

Nearest neighbour search interface, templatized on scalar type. More...

#include <nabo.h>

Inheritance diagram for Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, Cloud_T >:
Nabo::OpenCLSearch< T, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > > Nabo::BruteForceSearch< T, CloudType > Nabo::KDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesImplicitBoundsStackOpt< T, Heap, CloudType > Nabo::OpenCLSearch< T, CloudType > Nabo::BruteForceSearchOpenCL< T, CloudType > Nabo::KDTreeBalancedPtInLeavesStackOpenCL< T, CloudType > Nabo::KDTreeBalancedPtInNodesStackOpenCL< T, CloudType >

Public Types

enum  SearchType {
 type of search More...
enum  CreationOptionFlags { TOUCH_STATISTICS = 1 }
 creation option More...
enum  SearchOptionFlags { ALLOW_SELF_MATCH = 1 , SORT_RESULTS = 2 }
 search option More...
typedef Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > Vector
 an Eigen vector of type T, to hold the coordinates of a point
typedef Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Matrix
 a column-major Eigen matrix in which each column is a point; this matrix has dim rows
typedef Cloud_T CloudType
 a column-major Eigen matrix in which each column is a point; this matrix has dim rows
typedef int Index
 an index to a Vector or a Matrix, for refering to data points
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Index, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > IndexVector
 a vector of indices to data points
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Index, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > IndexMatrix
 a matrix of indices to data points

Public Member Functions

unsigned long knn (const Vector &query, IndexVector &indices, Vector &dists2, const Index k=1, const T epsilon=0, const unsigned optionFlags=0, const T maxRadius=std::numeric_limits< T >::infinity()) const
 Find the k nearest neighbours of query.
virtual unsigned long knn (const Matrix &query, IndexMatrix &indices, Matrix &dists2, const Index k=1, const T epsilon=0, const unsigned optionFlags=0, const T maxRadius=std::numeric_limits< T >::infinity()) const =0
 Find the k nearest neighbours for each point of query.
virtual unsigned long knn (const Matrix &query, IndexMatrix &indices, Matrix &dists2, const Vector &maxRadii, const Index k=1, const T epsilon=0, const unsigned optionFlags=0) const =0
 Find the k nearest neighbours for each point of query.
virtual ~NearestNeighbourSearch ()
 virtual destructor

Static Public Member Functions

static NearestNeighbourSearchcreate (const CloudType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const SearchType preferedType=KDTREE_LINEAR_HEAP, const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
 Create a nearest-neighbour search.
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreateBruteForce (const CloudType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0)
 Create a nearest-neighbour search, using brute-force search, useful for comparison only.
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreateKDTreeLinearHeap (const CloudType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
 Create a nearest-neighbour search, using a kd-tree with linear heap, good for small k (~up to 30)
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreateKDTreeTreeHeap (const CloudType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
 Create a nearest-neighbour search, using a kd-tree with tree heap, good for large k (~from 30)
template<typename WrongMatrixType >
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreate (const WrongMatrixType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const SearchType preferedType=KDTREE_LINEAR_HEAP, const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
 Prevent creation of trees with the wrong matrix type. Currently only dynamic size matrices are supported.
template<typename WrongMatrixType >
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreateBruteForce (const WrongMatrixType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0)
 Prevent creation of trees with the wrong matrix type. Currently only dynamic size matrices are supported.
template<typename WrongMatrixType >
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreateKDTreeLinearHeap (const WrongMatrixType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
 Prevent creation of trees with the wrong matrix type. Currently only dynamic size matrices are supported.
template<typename WrongMatrixType >
static NearestNeighbourSearchcreateKDTreeTreeHeap (const WrongMatrixType &, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
 Prevent creation of trees with the wrong matrix type. Currently only dynamic size matrices are supported.

Public Attributes

const CloudTypecloud
 the reference to the data-point cloud, which must remain valid during the lifetime of the NearestNeighbourSearch object
const Index dim
 the dimensionality of the data-point cloud
const unsigned creationOptionFlags
 creation options
const Vector minBound
 the low bound of the search space (axis-aligned bounding box)
const Vector maxBound
 the high bound of the search space (axis-aligned bounding box)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr Index InvalidIndex = invalidIndex<Index>()
 the invalid index
static constexpr T InvalidValue = invalidValue<T>()
 the invalid value

Protected Member Functions

 NearestNeighbourSearch (const CloudType &cloud, const Index dim, const unsigned creationOptionFlags)
void checkSizesKnn (const Matrix &query, const IndexMatrix &indices, const Matrix &dists2, const Index k, const unsigned optionFlags, const Vector *maxRadii=0) const
 Make sure that the output matrices have the right sizes. Throw an exception otherwise.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename Cloud_T = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>
struct Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, Cloud_T >

Nearest neighbour search interface, templatized on scalar type.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CreationOptionFlags

template<typename T , typename Cloud_T = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>
enum Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch::CreationOptionFlags

creation option


perform statistics on the number of points touched

◆ SearchOptionFlags

template<typename T , typename Cloud_T = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>
enum Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch::SearchOptionFlags

search option


allows the return of the same point as the query, if this point is in the data cloud; forbidden by default


sort points by distances, when k > 1; do not sort by default

◆ SearchType

template<typename T , typename Cloud_T = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>
enum Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch::SearchType

type of search


brute force, check distance to every point in the data


kd-tree with linear heap, good for small k (~up to 30)


kd-tree with tree heap, good for large k (~from 30)


kd-tree using openCL, pt in nodes, only available if OpenCL enabled, UNSTABLE API


kd-tree using openCL, pt in leaves, only available if OpenCL enabled, UNSTABLE API


brute-force using openCL, only available if OpenCL enabled, UNSTABLE API


number of search types

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkSizesKnn()

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
void Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::checkSizesKnn ( const Matrix query,
const IndexMatrix indices,
const Matrix dists2,
const Index  k,
const unsigned  optionFlags,
const Vector maxRadii = 0 
) const

Make sure that the output matrices have the right sizes. Throw an exception otherwise.

queryquery points
knumber of nearest neighbour requested
indicesindices of nearest neighbours, must be of size k x query.cols()
dists2squared distances to nearest neighbours, must be of size k x query.cols()
optionFlagsthe options passed to knn()
maxRadiiif non 0, maximum radii, must be of size k

◆ create()

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType > * Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::create ( const CloudType cloud,
const Index  dim = std::numeric_limits<Index>::max(),
const SearchType  preferedType = KDTREE_LINEAR_HEAP,
const unsigned  creationOptionFlags = 0,
const Parameters additionalParameters = Parameters() 

Create a nearest-neighbour search.

clouddata-point cloud in which to search
dimnumber of dimensions to consider, must be lower or equal to cloud.rows()
preferedTypetype of search, one of SearchType
creationOptionFlagscreation options, a bitwise OR of elements of CreationOptionFlags
additionalParametersadditional parameters, currently only useful for KDTREE_
an object on which to run nearest neighbour queries

◆ createBruteForce()

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType > * Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::createBruteForce ( const CloudType cloud,
const Index  dim = std::numeric_limits<Index>::max(),
const unsigned  creationOptionFlags = 0 

Create a nearest-neighbour search, using brute-force search, useful for comparison only.

This is an helper function, you can also use create() with BRUTE_FORCE as preferedType

clouddata-point cloud in which to search
dimnumber of dimensions to consider, must be lower or equal to cloud.rows()
creationOptionFlagscreation options, a bitwise OR of elements of CreationOptionFlags
an object on which to run nearest neighbour queries

◆ createKDTreeLinearHeap()

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType > * Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::createKDTreeLinearHeap ( const CloudType cloud,
const Index  dim = std::numeric_limits<Index>::max(),
const unsigned  creationOptionFlags = 0,
const Parameters additionalParameters = Parameters() 

Create a nearest-neighbour search, using a kd-tree with linear heap, good for small k (~up to 30)

This is an helper function, you can also use create() with KDTREE_LINEAR_HEAP as preferedType

clouddata-point cloud in which to search
dimnumber of dimensions to consider, must be lower or equal to cloud.rows()
creationOptionFlagscreation options, a bitwise OR of elements of CreationOptionFlags
additionalParametersadditional parameters
an object on which to run nearest neighbour queries

◆ createKDTreeTreeHeap()

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType > * Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::createKDTreeTreeHeap ( const CloudType cloud,
const Index  dim = std::numeric_limits<Index>::max(),
const unsigned  creationOptionFlags = 0,
const Parameters additionalParameters = Parameters() 

Create a nearest-neighbour search, using a kd-tree with tree heap, good for large k (~from 30)

This is an helper function, you can also use create() with KDTREE_TREE_HEAP as preferedType

clouddata-point cloud in which to search
dimnumber of dimensions to consider, must be lower or equal to cloud.rows()
creationOptionFlagscreation options, a bitwise OR of elements of CreationOptionFlags
additionalParametersadditional parameters
an object on which to run nearest neighbour queries

◆ knn() [1/3]

template<typename T , typename Cloud_T = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>
virtual unsigned long Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, Cloud_T >::knn ( const Matrix query,
IndexMatrix indices,
Matrix dists2,
const Index  k = 1,
const T  epsilon = 0,
const unsigned  optionFlags = 0,
const T  maxRadius = std::numeric_limits< T >::infinity() 
) const
pure virtual

Find the k nearest neighbours for each point of query.

If the search finds less than k points, the empty entries in dists2 will be filled with InvalidValue and the indices with InvalidIndex.

queryquery points
indicesindices of nearest neighbours, must be of size k x query.cols()
dists2squared distances to nearest neighbours, must be of size k x query.cols()
knumber of nearest neighbour requested
epsilonmaximal ratio of error for approximate search, 0 for exact search; has no effect if the number of neighbour found is smaller than the number requested
optionFlagssearch options, a bitwise OR of elements of SearchOptionFlags
maxRadiusmaximum radius in which to search, can be used to prune search, is not affected by epsilon
if creationOptionFlags contains TOUCH_STATISTICS, return the number of point touched, otherwise return 0

◆ knn() [2/3]

template<typename T , typename Cloud_T = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>>
virtual unsigned long Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, Cloud_T >::knn ( const Matrix query,
IndexMatrix indices,
Matrix dists2,
const Vector maxRadii,
const Index  k = 1,
const T  epsilon = 0,
const unsigned  optionFlags = 0 
) const
pure virtual

Find the k nearest neighbours for each point of query.

If the search finds less than k points, the empty entries in dists2 will be filled with InvalidValue and the indices with InvalidIndex.

queryquery points
indicesindices of nearest neighbours, must be of size k x query.cols()
dists2squared distances to nearest neighbours, must be of size k x query.cols()
maxRadiivector of maximum radii in which to search, used to prune search, is not affected by epsilon
knumber of nearest neighbour requested
epsilonmaximal ratio of error for approximate search, 0 for exact search; has no effect if the number of neighbour found is smaller than the number requested
optionFlagssearch options, a bitwise OR of elements of SearchOptionFlags
if creationOptionFlags contains TOUCH_STATISTICS, return the number of point touched, otherwise return 0

◆ knn() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
unsigned long Nabo::NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::knn ( const Vector query,
IndexVector indices,
Vector dists2,
const Index  k = 1,
const T  epsilon = 0,
const unsigned  optionFlags = 0,
const T  maxRadius = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() 
) const

Find the k nearest neighbours of query.

If the search finds less than k points, the empty entries in dists2 will be filled with InvalidValue and the indices with InvalidIndex. If you must query more than one point at once, use the version of the knn() function taking matrices as input, because it is much faster.

queryquery point
indicesindices of nearest neighbours, must be of size k
dists2squared distances to nearest neighbours, must be of size k
knumber of nearest neighbour requested
epsilonmaximal ratio of error for approximate search, 0 for exact search; has no effect if the number of neighbour found is smaller than the number requested
optionFlagssearch options, a bitwise OR of elements of SearchOptionFlags
maxRadiusmaximum radius in which to search, can be used to prune search, is not affected by epsilon
if creationOptionFlags contains TOUCH_STATISTICS, return the number of point touched, otherwise return 0

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